Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Mystery Unit
Six-Word Stories
According to legend, Ernest Hemingway was challenged to write a short story using only six words.
He came up with:   “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”
Inspired by Hemingway’s famous tale,
the “six word story” has served as a prompt for decades,
testing writers’ ability to create their own
succinct masterpieces with all sorts of clever results.
The 4-5 students wrote their own six word stories,
inspired by the mysterious illustrations from
The Mysteries of Harris Burdick.  
They created some very clever masterpieces!

Math 4
Geometry Project
Students shared their incredibly creative Theme Parks.

4-5 President Raps
In music class with Sara, the 4-5s wrote original rap songs about the presidents and performed them at assambly.
Everyone did an incredible job!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Meet the newest members of our classroom, three new guppies!
Their names are Flame, Ripple, and Sunset!

Math 4 students designed and built their very own theme parks!

Mystery Unit: Reading, writing, exploring, investigating, and solving!

Finding and analyzing clues, evidence, and even red herrings, takes logical thinking,
deductive reasoning and problem solving skills to uncover the solution to the mystery!  

Literature groups read and discussed mystery stories.

Mysterious illustrations served as the inspirations for Six Word Stories.