Friday, January 18, 2019

Big buddies and little buddies love spending time together!

This week's assembly honored Martin Luther King, Jr.

The 4/5s also learned about Dr King while reading
Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.? and through thoughful, discussion.

Students enjoyed writing fun, collaborative stories, also known as
Folded Stories. A Folded Story is a story created by a group of people
who do not know what the whole story contains. Different students write
different sentences only knowing what the classmate before them wrote.
Folding the paper and passing it along when they are done, keeping the whole story a secret until the very end.

 Students shared their creative stories!

Geography: The 50 States

Students are using Atlases and other resources to learn about
the 50 states, starting with the Northeast Region!

Students have begun exploring polygons, perimeter, area, and 2-D shapes
in our new unit. Three dimensional shapes will also be explored
and manipulated.

Students calculated the area and perimeter of things in the 4/5 classroom and even the figured out how to calulate the area and perimeter of the entire room! 

Winter Fridays Fun!