Friday, December 6, 2013

Iroquois Legends & Myths
Storytelling is very important in the Native American culture.  Stories are passed down from generation to generation.
Some reasons why the Iroquois told legends and myths included the following:
·      Some stories describe how the universe came to be and what people’s relationship is to every part of the Natural World.
·      Some legends explain why things are the way they are, for example: “Why does Rabbit have long ears?”
·      Some stories remind us of how we should interact with one another in order to maintain peace and harmony.
·      Stories help pass down values and ideals from one generation to another
·      Some stories are told so that people will always know about their history. 
·      Stories have a message or a moral, and are told to teach a lesson.
·       Some types of stories are told just for entertainment. The Iroquois believe we need to have fun and laughter in our lives. 

Students collaborating while writing original legends and myths scripts inspired by their Iroquois unit  


Math 4
Math 4 students shared the results and analysis of their
Data Collection Projects
Math 4 students writing multi-step word problems for classmates to solve

Good Luck at the FLL Lego Competition Parker Bots!

3-D house for the Lego competition created by the students